Yin (Water into Water)

Lyrics by Willow
©Lionessroars 2006

Water into water,
becomes itself in time
Water into water,
through a turning of the mind

Anger is not far,
from patience you will find
When you still the heart,
through a turning of the mind

Jealousy is not so far,
from examining the truth
Of all that you can be,
that lives inside and around you

Water into water,
becomes itself in time
Water into water,
through a turning of the mind

Passion is not far,
from neutrality
When you expand the view,
through every being you will see

Bewilderment is not so far,
from wisdom’s door
You’ll know what to do and what not to do,
when you breathe through the core

Water into water,
becomes itself in time
Water into water,
through a turning of the mind

Pride is not so far,
from humility
When you turn the gaze
to include every being,
you will be free

Poision is not far,
from wisdom’s gate
Pouring water into water,
your mind you’ll liberate

Water into water,
do not separate the drops
Pouring water into water,
never stops

to hear Willow’s music visit lionessroars.org

My office is located on the Oakland/Emeryville border in the East Bay of Northern California.

My office mailing address is:
2342 Shattuck Avenue, #262
Berkeley, CA 94704

My office phone is:
650 264 9975

Here are some of the teachers, mentors, and colleagues who are presences in my work, for whom I am deeply grateful:

Robin Bagai, PsyD
Michael Eigen, PhD
Ofra Eshel, PsyD
James Grotstein, MD
Helen Marlo, PhD
Sister Dolores Maguire
Sukhasiddhi Foundation:
Lama Palden

Marpa Foundation:
Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche

Integral Institute/Life: Ken Wilber

Here are some Associations I am a member of:

International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Northern California Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology

American Psychological Association, Division 39

APsA, American Psychoanalytic Association

California Psychological Association

Alameda County Psychological Association

International Association for the Study of Dreams