Here are a few articles and chapters presenting some of my reflections—from psychic movement between the “hearing heart” (Ofra Eshel) and the “thinking heart” (Anne Alvarez)—about the dynamics, theory, practice, and contemplations of Integral Relational Psychotherapy: becoming, illumination, dreaming, love, mourning, identifications, binocular vision, creativity, music, madness, mysticism, desire, and defenses. (Click on titles in red to read linked article):

Pearson Trimbach, W. (in press). Listening to psychoanalytic conversations with states of spirit possession. Book review: Psychoanalytic conversations with states of spirit possession: Beauty in brokenness, by Shalini Masih. Fort Da: The Journal of the Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30(2).

Pearson Trimbach, W. (2024, January 22). Dreaming with Dr. Pearson Trimbach. California Institute of Integral Studies, Faculty Interview. Retrieved from,voice%20of%20spirit%20into%20soul

Pearson Trimbach, W. (2024). Welcoming dreams. In L. Daws and K. Cohen (Eds.), Primary Process Impacts and Dreaming the Undreamable Object in the Work of Michael Eigen: Becoming the Welcoming Object, Routledge.

Pearson Trimbach, W. (2024). On the way to the altar: An illustration of transpersonal psychoanalytic psychotherapy. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 43(1).

Pearson Trimbach, W. (2023). Psychic rhythms. Book review: Commentaries on the work of Michael Eigen: Oblivion and wisdom, madness and music, by Robin Bagai. Fort Da: The Journal of the Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, 29(2).

Pearson Trimbach, W. (2023, September). Psyche's score: Music of the integral psychodynamic sphere and its orbits. Integral Review, 18(1). Retrieved from

Pearson Trimbach, W. (2023). Wedding song. Clio’s Psyche: The Psychology of Music, Musicians, and its Impact on the Individual and Society. International Psychohistorical Association, 29(3).

Pearson Trimbach, W. (2022). Integral relational practice of dreaming the caesura. Part 1: Opening further through the spiritual psyche. Part 2: Dreaming Charlotte Small Thompson. Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, 16(4)

Pearson Trimbach, W. (2022). Windows of faith: Collective resistance and creative process in mourning the disappearances in Kashmir. Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, 16(4).

Pearson Trimbach, W. & Haq, S. (2022). Dreaming, mourning, transformation, and truth: Shifa Haq and Willow Pearson Trimbach in conversation. Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, 16(4).

Pearson, W. (2021). Elemental contact: From madness to mysticism. Celebrating the work of Michael Eigen. In K. Cohen and K. Fuchsman (Eds.) Healing, Rebirth and the Work of Michael Eigen: Collected Essays on a Pioneer in Psychoanalysis. Routledge.

Pearson, W. (2019). Opening to the Challenge. Fort Da: The Journal of the Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, 25(1), 68-71.

Grotstein, J.S. & Pearson, W. (2016). In Conversation on Caesura and Reversible Perspective. Fort Da: The Journal of the Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, 22(1), 51-60.

Pearson, W. (2015). Binocular Vision: Seeing through the Two I's of Privilege and Oppression. Women's Therapy Center, Berkeley, CA

Pearson, W. (2015). Sublimation/Dilation of Desire, Held Separately Together in a Moment of Being O. Integral Relational Therapeutic Arts, Oakland, CA

Pearson, W. (2014). Dreaming Integral. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 9(2), 162-168.

Pearson, W. (2013). Seeking Mutual Recognition through the Matrix of Projective Transidentification. Women's Therapy Center, Berkeley, CA

Pearson, W. (2013). Psyche's Lantern: Illuminating the Co-emergence of Idealism and Realism. Integral Relational Therapeutic Arts, Berkeley, CA

Pearson, W. (2007). Integral Counseling and a Three-Factor Model of Defenses. Counseling & Values: Journal of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling, 51(3), 209-220.  

Pearson, W. (2006). The Development of Desire. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2).